
Registration Is Now Open

Register before 18 April 2025 and save!

Registration Fees
(Quoted in USD $)
Registration includes admission to the conference, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception, and access to the conference proceedings.

Registration Type Prior to 18 April After 18 April

Member (IEEE/SPIE/Optica)



Non Member



Student Member (IEEE/SPIE/Optica)



Student Non Member




*Student and Post Doc/Recent Graduate Member Registration Fees:

A valid Student ID is required at registration check-in.  Post Doc Member rates require verification from Supervisor at registration check-in. IEEE Photonics Society defines a recent graduate member as a Photonics Society member who is within a 3-year time period of receiving their last degree.

Reduced Registration Fees:

In an effort to assist anyone who would like to attend IEEE ETOP 2025, the Photonics Society offers reduced registration fees based on World Bank country classifications. The World Bank uses four categories according to each country’s gross national income per capita: high income, upper middle income, lower middle income, and low income. Starting with high income countries and assigning a number N=0 through 3 to each category, a reduction of 25xN % will be applied for any registrant from a given country.

If you would like to take advantage of the reduced registration fee program, please go to the World Bank website and locate your country’s classification.

Please contact for further instructions.

Visa Invitation Letters:

Visa Invitation Letters will be sent to those that are registered and paid in full. Please select that you require a letter during registration.